Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fresh Strawberry Sauce

Amanda's favorite food is ice cream. I'm pretty sure she would sell her soul if there was a shortage.
And the addiction runs in her family - there was a time when it seemed like every time I came to visit we went out for ice cream. (I am not complaining by any means, but I prefer other desserts - chocolate chip cookies are probably my favorite.) After picking so many strawberries for jam, we had a bunch left over. We are way too broke to let anything go to waste, so we made a really tasty strawberry sauce to put on top of Amanda's favorite dessert!

We took about a cup of cut strawberries and added them to a sauce pan with about a teaspoon of lemon juice. Once the strawberries were warm and their juice had accumulated on the bottom of the pan, we added in about three tablespoons of sugar and about a tablespoon of corn starch. We just cooked the sauce on medium heat until it was thick and bubbly. You can always add more or less corn starch depending on how thick you want the sauce to be.


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