Friday, June 29, 2012

Frugal Friday: My Favorite Ice Cream Sundae

Hi folks!

Weird, I never use the word folks. I was looking back and every time I greet you people I say "Hi everyone" and that was getting today, you are folks.

As you know, we eat a lot of ice cream. There is an amazing ice cream stand down the street from us, but it is sort of expensive and we are sort of poor. So we only let ourselves go to the ice cream stand when someone is visiting and we want to show it off. Sad, I know, but when you're broke it is the little things that make a huge difference and spending five bucks on ice cream is five dollars we could have put towards our student loan debt.

Anyway, we eat a lot of ice cream at home, and it can get boring really quickly when it is just carton after carton with no toppings or anything fun. So we started experimenting with different things in the house to top our ice cream. The Fresh Strawberry Sauce was a good one, but now that strawberry season is coming to a close, we are back to our old friend...peanut butter!

We love peanut butter, and melted on ice cream is the best way to eat it! It hardens a little bit when it touches the ice cream and every bite is just delicious! I like to add some chocolate syrup and peanut M&Ms too. Amanda is a big Cool Whip fan, but I prefer the whipped cream. It is clearly better!

Sound off in the comments section below...oil or cream?

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